Sunday, December 28, 2014

Second Assignment-7 questions(answered)

1. Well for me, it's just the same with the words "I DON'T CARE". but these words doesn't really mean that you really don't care. It's just a matter of fact that you do respect both sides. You cannot dictate ones opinion, they have their privilege to think and to say, they have their own capabilities of understanding different issues or somewhat we say promulgation. Respect is the key of having a good camaraderie with one another's team mate. 

2. My tempering mode during the moment when I'm mad. I'm a fan of hurting people and I'm also a fan of being hurt. i love torturing ones emotion. Well, I think that the most experienced that molded my personal code of ethics is the place where i'm standing especially in life, we're not on a first class, yes, we're poor but I think we're not also in the poorest class. Cause we still eat a meal three times a day. It's also my dreams in life that had molded me and that dreams are molded also by the difficulties I'd experienced. I really need to set standards in life but before tat I must build first my code of ethics. And, by that life goes on.

3.Yes, it really depends. But, if I'll examine it through my position today, It really depends on my responds to them. It is about how wold you react from different issues that has been raisin' up. It is about when you say something or would you just shut your mouth. It is upon your mood, and how you handle your mood.

4.Yes, they are capable. But, the top responsibility of the organization is keeping it from any harmful intentions of different employees. But, it is also depending upon a company of how they would respond this case. If they would hide the issue and escape from the criminal liabilities as a white lies goes? or they would not defend their member as what the right goes? It's up to them.

5.Yes, of course! as we see nowadays favoritism's explode. No more explanations. It always been repeated by the reality.

6.Speaking of tolerated. Yes, it is. software piracy is leading today. Philippines is the best example of it. We claimed software, we used software and e cracked software. Even school used to do it, even DOSCST used to do it. We cannot deny the fact that today in this modern world we are free to claim any software. We copied illegal and use without permission of the owner. Mostly IT professionals do it. We don't have any case to take so we crack. Tsk!

7.No. it's never been a waste of time but it's a time consuming processes that would take too much time to learn. How could someone accept that they are needed to be trained? or maybe they are just so stubborn that they will not allow anybody to teach them. But, it's the fact, when you try to be taught and to learned? swear, it's these magic that would take you to success.

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